ACNEX CLEAR by PharmaClinix

Acnex Clear

This product was introduced to me by my dermatologist. My dermatologist explained what the product can do and asked me if I am interested to try the product. I said I'll give it a go.

Product Detail:

  • 30 ml
  • Light smell of sweet lemon!
  • Lotion. White in color.
  • Oil free.
  • Small tube.


I have been using Acnex Clear for 2 months (Nov.-Dec. 2012). I did not appreciate it at first.  I thought it was not doing anything to my skin.  I stopped using it for 3 months.   One time, I became so stressed, that I started to have cystic acne.   I thought of using the product again. That is when I realize that it prevents most pimples from coming out (even when I'm worn out).


I will be buying this again.  It smells good, it's OIL FREE! and Most of all it PREVENTS pimples from coming out even cystic acne.

Directions: Apply thinly on a clean face twice a day.

Price: Php 1200. 30ml.

Where to Buy: Carried by dermatologists.

Always Ask the Advice of Your Dermatologist



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